3 Year Blogging Anniversary

November 10, 2008

So, for those of you who care, here's what has been going on lately...

  • looking at airplane flights to SoCal and Texas
  • changing my diet
  • breaking my "Vomit Free Since 2003" streak
  • college homecoming and 5 year reunion
  • seeing Tess (in from Cali)
  • seeing Jac (in from Texas) and meeting her college roomies - what fun!
  • spending time with my brother and sister-in-law
  • celebrating Dan's bday
  • celebrating mom's bday
  • live trivia with J-La
  • voting in a historical election
  • soaking up the last few days of nice weather
  • learning about the lunch bar at Martin's
  • and all sorts of other fun stuff!

I'm trying to decide where to take my blog in the future. Tomorrow marks my 3 year anniversary of blogging. First on MySpace, then Facebook, and now on Blogspot.

What sort of stuff are you interested in reading about? My random thoughts? How I spend my time? Updates of events going on in the area? Pictures from my life? All of the above? Hmmmm, maybe I'll take this question and turn it into a poll. Please participate. I want to know what you are interested in!


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  1. I LOVE the pictures! It doesn't matter really what you choose to blog about, it's all interesting to me, but when you attach a photo to it, it makes me feel like I'm there with you. (and that's important to me, cause i don't get out much *blush*, so i can live vicariously through your blog a little...)

  2. Hel-LLO! What about "multiple visits to RL"? B, c'mon!

  3. I pretty much like anything you blog about... because it is interesting to read your thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints. Plus I'm just glad that at least ONE of us has a blog!! haha. oops.

    Keep the posts coming!!! (please??)


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