Post Election Thoughts

November 05, 2008

Religion and Politics: two things we’re not supposed to talk about, right?

Well, I don’t follow those rules. Or at least, not today.

Realizing not all of my readers are Republicans, and not all are Christ followers, these are my thoughts, and I still think this is a good reminder for all.

I know many of my readers are not pleased with the results of yesterday’s election, as most of you participating in my poll said that you were voting for McCain/Palin. I’ve heard a lot of talk about the results this morning. I know many Christians are feeling like this is the end of the world. It may be. But we live never knowing when will be our last day on earth.

I heard a great reminder on the radio this morning. It convicted me, and I wanted to share it with you. Since the election results, there has been of a lot of expression of worry, fear, anger, pain, complaining, and dissension. This is NOT how the Lord would want us to live. These are NOT fruits of the spirit. If you are consumed by those emotions, check your attitude and think about who is winning in your life.

As Christians, we must remind ourselves that God is in control. We may feel like “our guy” lost, but the same God is in control! Who or what is our focus on? We trust in God, not man! No man can save us. We know the Lord is our salvation and our strength.

I encourage you to read Jeanna's thoughts on this as well.

We need to remember to pray for our leaders, whether or not we agree with them. And we need to remember to be grateful. We live in a free nation where we get to vote. We are privileged. May we realize that, and may we continually put our hope and our trust in the Lord.

Also heard on the radio this morning: We don’t always need to know where we’re going as long as we know whom we are following.

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  1. Thanks for the reminder, Jen. I've been struggling with this big time...when I see "friends" rubbing this election win in peoples' faces, and being ignorant on certain things...but anyways, another thing I would add is that God see the heart. On Judgment Day, He alone will judge Obama, McCain, and everyone else in the world. He will judge us for our attitudes, for what we did, for what we didn't do, and what we stood up for (or didn't). I have to keep reminding myself of that fact.

  2. Well said, Jen! I've been waiting for someone to say it. The important thing is that we make our voices heard through our votes and then come back together afterward as ONE country. We are all Americans! It's time to look to the future with hope!

  3. Wow Jen!! I think this is like one of the best things you've written! Way to go! I could not vote for someone who doesn't value life, but you are 100% right in saying that GOD is in control! We put too much emphasis on one man, as if he were God, but He's not. God is bigger..WAY bigger! :)

  4. Very well said...thanks for the words, and the reminder...I don't know that I could have said it any better...


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