BRAT Day 1

November 16, 2008

I've been feeling better today. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

I've been hard core BRAT only foods for about 28 hours now. I really want pizza. But honestly it hasn't been that bad - yet. Good for me - I like bananas. The rice is yummy. The bread is too. And the applesauce is like dessert! And I've been feeling a lot better today!

I talked to my deitician friend Carolyn tonight (shout out!) and got some more advice from her. The plan is to stay on the bland BRAT to give my body a break for awhile and let it kinda reset. After while I will try introducing one new fruit (she suggested pears) and later one vegetable (she suggested squash). How perfect that those are two of the things I picked up from the Farmers Market last week!

We also talked about lactose intolerance and some possible ways to manage that.

I'm very grateful to have a dietician for a friend!

I told her on the phone tonight how I had been wanting to get back on a healthy eating plan, and this pretty much forced me to do it! So, it's somehow managed to be a blessing!

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  1. It's so good to hear that you're feeling a little better!

  2. Glad i could help a little bit! :) It was nice to catch up a little bit last night. Hope you keep feeling better! Carolyn


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