

April 29, 2009
I can't believe we pay our Public Relationship representative to send out press releases with the subject line "Cool events mark historic preservation month in Indy"! COOL?!? Are you serious?!?Please, pay me. I can do a heck of a lot better than that crap!!Come on!! ...



Wordless Wednesday - Golden Dome

April 29, 2009

Simply Happy

April 26, 2009
Just give me some good reading material and a nice warm beverage, and I'm happy. Simply happy.Coffee in my kitchen...Hot tea at my hair salon... ...


Around the Bend


April 26, 2009
My senses were working overtime the other day at Chick-fil-a. First I heard the cheesy David Meece-ish music playing on the restaurant sound system. Ick. I hadn't noticed it much in the dining area, but once I went in the bathroom to wash up, it was quite clear in there - unfortunately.Then, to immediately add to the torture of my sense of hearing,...



Potential New Bathroom Accessories

April 26, 2009
I am in the process of redecorating my cute, little bathroom. I've had my yellow ducky decor for almost 6 years, wow! Since I moved to Burbank. It was in our guest bath downstairs in Burbank and when I moved into my apartment here in South Bend I got towels to coordinate.The ducks have been good to me. But I'm ready for a...



Empty House

April 26, 2009
Yes, there are certain aspects of living alone that I like. However, I really miss the companionship of living with someone. Especially right now. I had overnight company for 3 days, and now . . . the house is just so silent and so empty.I don't like it. ...




April 23, 2009
I'm happy because... It's warming up!I'm wearing flip flops!I'm having overnight company tonight through Sunday!I get to see Jac and Anson (see above)!I'm looking forward to my honey's musical this weekend!My honey rocked his Defense of his Master's Thesis - thank you, God!I picked up McD's coffee this morning!I made it in to work early!I just took baby step #1 in looking into...


Guilty Pleasure

Fourteen Random Facts

April 22, 2009
1. Bath & Body Works – Buy 3 Get 3 FREE promo going on currently! Awesome deal!!2. When the weather starts warming up I start craving ice cream in the afternoons.3. In today’s mail: a catalogue of wedding invitations and accessories. I have no idea how they got my info! Really, I swear!4. I keep a drawer full of snack foods at work...



New 'Do!

April 21, 2009
BeforeAfterYea!! ...



Got Salt?

April 21, 2009
Since when does "Could I have a few ketchup packets and one salt?" equal four ketchup packets and SIX salts?!? Since when does "Could I have a few ketchup packets and one salt?" equal four ketchup packets and SIX salts?!? ...




April 21, 2009
1. I am ready for a nice sunshiny day. And I know it will come eventually. Today is Day 3 of cloudy gloomy rainy weather. I could never live in Seattle. St. Joseph, MI residents (45 minutes north) were seeing snow this morning.By Friday we are supposed to be in the 70’s. Ah, the Midwest…It was apparently 100 degrees in L.A. yesterday. Ha...



Sunday Night Random Thoughts

April 19, 2009
Sometimes I can't believe I'm already 30.Sometimes I can't believe how wonderful my boyfriend is.I can't wait to try KFC's new grilled chicken!!Looking forward to lunch with Alicia & dinner with J-La. Too bad neither will be at KFC.I can't stand waiting to hear back from people and being immobile until I do.I'm all about recycling anything I can these days.I sneeze when...



Vote! Now!

April 18, 2009
I'm getting my hair done Tuesday right after work. Planning on a chin length bob cut. But still debating color.Your two choices are:blonde highlights &dark brown all overI've added a poll on the left side of my blog. Place your vote now! Thanks! ...


Around the Bend

Answers (I know you've been on the edge of your seat)

April 18, 2009
1. If you could live in any other time period, era, whatever you'd like to call it, what would it be? Or would you like to stay in the one we're in now?I would like to visit for awhile (kinda a fly on the wall type thing) the time when our nation was being formed and land was being settled.2. Are you really...


Guilty Pleasure

Thank you, Little Debbie

April 18, 2009
My latest guilty pleasure. Although at just 100 calories maybe I don't have to feel so guilty after all. They are SO hard to find. So when I saw them at Target I stocked up - and they were on sale, holla! ...



Pedicures with Charissa

April 18, 2009
Long overdue for a pedi, I finally went this week - and such a treat to go with my sister-in-law-in-law (yes, that would be my brother's wife's sister) Charissa, or Cha-Cha as I like to call her! It was her first pedi - what fun! ...




April 18, 2009
Just like last year, relief!!!It's always SO great to be DONE with taxes!! I'm wondering what to do with the money. I'm thinkin' save it for a nice, summer day! ...



Good Things Thursday

April 16, 2009
The sun is out! The sun is out!My new pedicureI get to wear sandals!I'm drinking yummy blueberry coffee!The Blue Gold game is coming up, and they're now predicting NICE weather!Two mornings in a row of working out - yea!Two unrushed mornings in a row - LOVE those!His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).New haircut and color coming in 5 days!!Girls Night this...




April 13, 2009
Two weekends in a row out of town. I usually try to avoid that. But sometimes you just can’t help it. Last week was visiting my college roomie Sarah in Marion. This past weekend was 2 ½ hours north into little Hesperia, Michigan, with Josh to spend Easter with his extended family.And in between the weekends I had something going on every evening...



Thankful for Today

April 08, 2009
Today I’m trying to focus on gratitude. To be on the lookout for all the good in my life. So, here’s what I’m grateful for today:That I made it to the gym for a workoutSunshine!Coffee AND orange juiceWonderful coffee today!Discovering oatmeal with peanut butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon – YUM!Finding a missing prescriptionHaving a break this morningI’m getting my hair cut soon and...



Spring Break

April 06, 2009
It's Spring Break for everybody and their mother this week. Spring Break?? When was the last time I had a Spring Break??It conjures up so many thoughts, so many memories. I do love traveling, and I've spent many Spring Breaks traveling.2 or 3 times to Florida - Fort Myers Beach to see my aunt and Orlando with GraciesLA with Kate - before I...



Sunday Night

April 05, 2009
I'm trying to psych myself up for another week.A Monday.Returning to the gym after taking a full week off to rid myself of this cold (I am feeling MUCH better).And snow.Yes, snow.Tomorrow and Tuesday allegedly.Oh - and currently. I just looked outside, and there's already snow on the cars.I, surprisingly, have missed working out. But I haven't missed the 5:30 alarm.I had a...



One Week with a Nose Ring

April 03, 2009
Things I've Learned in the Last Week 1. In order to have a nose ring, you have to be comfortable with sticking your finger up your nose. I wasn't. And I almost passed out the first time cleaning it.2. My left nostril is probably the cleanest part of my body these days based on how much I clean it.3. If you get a...


Ten Questions

What Do You Want To Know?

April 03, 2009
A month ago I posted an Ask Anything blog.I received one question. One!Really?!I'm throwing it back out there again, just in case any of my faithful readers (especially all you anonymous ones) have something they want to ask.If not, ok, I'll deal with it and move on. But I just throught I'd put the offer on the table again. Go! ...



The Calendar Says It’s Spring…

April 03, 2009
...But weather.com says it feels like 30. And I’m wearing sandals and cropped jeans! Hmmm… I guess it’s one of those days where you just so badly want it to be warm!!! ...But weather.com says it feels like 30. And I’m wearing sandals and cropped jeans! Hmmm… I guess it’s one of those days where you just so badly want it to be...



I Have Something To Look Forward to - Thank God!

April 02, 2009
1. Getting converter boxes and having more than 2 crappy channels to chose from.2. Using my Best Buy Rewards Certificate (uh, can you guess what I'm using it on?)3. Getting the heck outta dodge tomorrow!!4. Getting to see my old roomie!5. Getting my hair cut short and highlighted at 50% off (double excitement there!)Woot woot! Gotta have SOMEthing good goin' on! ...



Sick, sick, sick

April 02, 2009
I feel absolutely lousy today. The worst day of this cold is now. I haven’t been able to make it to the store for more cold meds so I’m using some 24 hour allergy pills that I found in my bathroom cabinet. I hate the 24 hour pills.It’s Thursday, April 2. I’m telling myself I can hang in there for one more day....


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