Answers & Updates
August 31, 2008I don't really know how to answer questions that people put in their comments. I think from now on, I'll just add another comment to the post in response to their comment. So, readers, if you want something answered, you'll have to check back.
But for now I thought I'd answer a few questions and provide some updates on blogs of the recent past.
- The Brett Farve news was a joke, in case any of you missed that. Maybe you have to be from Wisconsin to get the humor about Illinois-ans.
- The Game update about my missing calendar: After much searching and much frustration, I suddenly had a bit of mental clarity and remembered going around a corner on the way to St. Joe Monday and my purse on my passenger seat tipping over. Sure enough. Take a look at what I found:

Close up:

So, for those of you who said "car", you were correct! I'm just so glad to have it back!
- I will indeed be getting a slight raise with my new job title, but I don't yet know how much. Realizing I work for a non-profit, I know it won't be much. But at least it's something!
- Todd sometimes plays music on his computer, and that song came on, and I heard him singing along briefly. I always like when it's old school Amy Grant that comes on!
- The mayor was walking down Main Street (how appropriate) as I was driving by.
- You CAN get that Starbucks drink decaf or regular.
- I threw a penny into petty cash myself. There goes my raise. Ha!
- I should clarify: 4 "cups" of coffee is going by the coffee maker's "cups" which is actually only 5 oz. I believe. I have no clue why coffee makers do that. So, in reality, my "4 cups" of coffee is about 20 oz. which is about the same size as 1 venti (large) drink at Starbucks.
- I'm SURE Ben was out celebrating his Golden bday, ha!
- I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has thought of a urinal in a house.
- I was going to go to Cali for a friend's wedding. It was going to be a quick trip, not so much a vacation or a leisurely trip or even getting to see too many friends - other than whoever was at the wedding. When the wedding was called off/postponed 3 weeks beforehand, I had the tough decision of still going or canceling. I thought about it a lot and knew it was pretty pointless to still go. The whole reason for going was the wedding. And it just wasn't an ideal time to go for a visit. The friends I was planning on staying with were going to be gone half the time anyways, and if I'm going to go to SoCal, it's gonna be in the winter! It was a hard decision, considering how much I shelled out for the ticket, I hated losing more for it. But I just knew I wouldn't be an enjoyable trip. There were other things too that factored in, but those should give you the basic gist.
- Finally - an update on yesterday's beach trip to St. Joe. Oh dear. I am sooooooooo sunburned. And my goal of getting even color ... ha! I came no where near that! It's just random red and pale mixed in. It's very painful and awkward, as it's pretty much everywhere. Sleeping was tricky. Sitting is tricky. Walking is awkward. So I guess I'll just stand for the next couple few days! But other than the severe sunburn, it was a great trip!!
Hey, thanks for your answers! Just so you know, when people post comments, they can check a box that will e-mail follow-up comments to them. So, if they REALLY want an answer, they can check the box and then if you post a comment, they'll get your comment e-mailed to them. =)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you know about that! I didn't know if most people do, and I didn't feel like explaining it, ha!
ReplyDeleteYeh, "junglewife," I didn't realize that. Now, I checked and sure enough! It is right there. Thanks. :)