Catching up

August 11, 2008

Things are calming down quite a bit, but only for a brief while before things are in full swing again.

With that, here are some recent random thoughts:

The blatant stupidity of people really is astounding.

Should I say hello/acknowledge to someone I met once and don’t remember her name?

Should I greet someone I’ve met repeatedly but who never remembers me?

I sooooo love being in the right place at the right time!!!

What questions should I ask the mayor when I meet with him this week to discuss downtown?

Oh how I love being able to cross things off my To Do list!!!

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  1. You get to chat with the mayor this week about downtown??! Awesome~ i love city planning. It's cool that you are involved with downtown SB so much. :) Carolyn

  2. When do you get to meet up with him??

    I would perhaps ask why they don't try to do more living above stores? Also, why does everything downtown close so early? I might post again later if I think of more


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