
April 23, 2008

I really don't buy that many groceries. I eat out (too much). Or I just skip meals. Or have a bowl of oatmeal from my seemingly bottomless canister of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats (really, I'm not being paid for this).

Even staples like bread, milk, eggs, I just don't often need to buy.

As I was inputing my latest purchases, sinceI'm now keeping track of all expenses, I thought my latest grocery bill was quite a bit random. Apparently this is what I need to survive the next couple weeks:

  • a bunch of fat free Yoplait yogurt
  • Diet A & W root beer (finally-I've been craving this forever!)
  • Diet Coke with Lime
  • strawberries
  • bananas
And that's it! I'm weird.

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  1. wow, that's one thing i miss from being single...the grocery shopping! man, it's a whole production and huge part of the paycheck every time i go to the store. Feeding 3 growing boys, one husband and one (growing) pregnant lady gets a little pricey...enjoy it while you can and count your blessings!!

  2. I so hear you gf!!!! Cooking? What's that?! LOL Sometimes I really like not having the responsibility of cooking and cleaning for others! Live it up while you can! :O) Jennifruit

  3. I've missed you verysleepygirl! Looking forward to your triumphant return to blogging! (sorry... I really just wanted to use that word ;) ha.)


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