Administrative Professionals Week

April 21, 2008

Happy Administrative Professionals Week to me!
Happy Administrative Professionals Week to me!
Happy Administrative Professionals Week to . . . ME-EEEE,
Happy Administrative Professionals Week to me!!!!!

Dilemma: Do I remind my boss so he feels forced into getting me something because he did last year (along with lunch)? Or do I just remain silent and see if he remembers or, more likely, let the week go by without observance?

cute flowers in a cute mug, last year's gift

I am such a good Adm. Asst., always working hard.

Need office supplies? This AA has gotcha covered!

Did you know I actually threw an Administrative Professionals Week Kickoff Party? It was 2 years ago, and I did it up right. All the party decorations were office supplies. Ahhh, good times.

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  1. Cute Pix! You could write up some little yellow post-its declaring the occasion and leave them in various locations around the office. Or do you think that might be too subtle? Some bosses need more something more obvious, like a staple in the forehead (just kidding -- definitely, NOT suggested!). How did he remember last year?

  2. I reccommend you use the office credit card, order yourself something very nice online, and turn the receipt in to him as if it were a normal office expenditure.


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