Are you serious?

June 04, 2008

The other day I returned back to my desk after lunch to discover this huge stack of large postcards, along with a note from my boss saying, "Please count."

Are you serious?!?

In case you're wondering it was 743.

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  1. That's so funny! It actually sounds like something my former boss would have had me do. One summer, he told me to gather up all the old keys we had around the office and try them in every door to decide if we should keep them or not. And guess what I learned? Most of the keys were for locks we'd gotten rid of at some time in the past. But hey, at least it gave me something to do!

  2. Yesterday I suggested a change for one of our long standing ministries. A few hours later I received a carefully worded letter from my boss informing me that I would be getting an evaluation and ministry performance review over the next two weeks to ensure that I am fulfilling my job description.


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