Pink Polka Dot Striped Halter Dress

July 11, 2008

Really - who can pull off a pink polka dot and striped halter dress?!?

Well, we're gonna see if I can!

I found this dress at a store that shall remain nameless, marked down 50% off. I fell in love with it and convinced my sister to buy her own fun, sexy dress too so that we could save another $10!

Though I don't really have an occasion to wear it, I couldn't resist. I had to go buy a special bra for it with halter capabilities and light enough to not see it through the dress. So, there was another few dollars.

I wanted to make sure it worked with the bra I got, so I tried it on tonight. As soon as I saw it hanging in the spare closet (I have a spare closet. How lucky am I!?!), I was filled with delight and glee. Look how pretty!!

But then I tried it on and looked in the mirror. And I just don't know if I can pull it off. I took a few pics on self-timer (where would I be without that feature?).

I'm not quite sure what's missing or where the problem is, but I just don't know if it looks that good on me. What do you think? Can I pull it off? Or not so much? If you don't want me to find you rude, feel free to comment anonymously.


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  1. I'm not sure how to interpret the fact that nobody has commented one way or the other on this...

  2. Oh no look great in the dress! Happy Tuesday.

  3. I think it looks cute on you...I had kind of a similar dress that I ended up taking back earlier this summer. I think the high-banded waist made me look shorter than I already am...:( But yeah, keep the dress. It looks great!

  4. I don't think it's the most flattering dress on you. You're much prettier than the dress represents :)


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