I Got Kudos!

April 14, 2008

This is something I have been sort of half thinking about for years. Periodically it will come to the forefront of my mind, and I will struggle with feelings and desires and issues. Most times it just stays at the back of my mind.

But tonight it's right at the front, and I'm talking about it and blogging about it.

I'm all for women being in the workforce. I know this hasn't always been accepted, and I know a lot of women did a lot and sacrificed a lot in order to make it normal and socially acceptable. I am grateful for that.


I feel our culture today looks down upon women who aren't working outside of the home, but who instead choose to stay home with their children. There is a certain stigma on a woman who says she wants to be a wife and mom. So, we don't say it. In fact, if we think it or feel it, we think there's something wrong with us. We feel inferior.

Well, tonight at small group, 2 questions were posed for discussion: 1) When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? and 2) What/where do you want to be in 5 years?

I decided to be honest and said, "In five years, I WANT TO BE A WIFE AND MOTHER." I shared some other stuff as well, but I've decided I'm done feeling ashamed of this desire. It's what I've always wanted, and it keeps being reinforced, especially lately.

I received encouragement from some of the men in the group, telling me that it's the greatest job in the world to be a parent. But it wasn't until after the group was over, and I was chatting with another girl from group out in the parking lot that she said, actually shouted, "Kudos to you for stating that desire!" She went on to say that's all she wants too, but that she feels she can't say it because of how she will be viewed!

Ladies, we've kept silent long enough. It's ok to desire motherhood! And it's ok to be proud of that desire! Kudos to you if you can reach that point too!

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  1. I just read/listened to an auido book by James Dobson on the matter. Go you!

  2. Being a stay at home mom is more difficult and more rewarding than any job I've ever had in my entire life. I can also say that being a wife and mother full time has helped me to become the woman I was always meant to be. It challenges you to prove and work out your theories and beliefs about life. I know who I am and where I am going with my life with comforting certainty. I honestly wouldn't have pictured myself in this role 10 years ago, but now I can't see it any other way. Good for you JJ, your life can be anything you want it to be...Society and judgmental people be damned! Go for your dreams!

  3. KUDOS to you from me, too, for not only having that desire but also being honest and strong enough to express it! I am so proud of you. And honored, too, that you want to be a wife and mom. I hope it is, at least in part, because, even though I often had a job (usually a part-time one) during your growing-up years, you saw in your own mom something that you wanted for your life, too.


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