Trip to Meijer

October 29, 2008

I was at Meijer last night, and I felt like guys kept staring at me. I’m trying to remember what I was wearing. Was I dressed provocatively? Was I wearing makeup? No. No. Was I dressed slobbishly and were they looking at me in disgust? No. In fact, they couldn’t even see my outfit. I was bundled up in my winter coat with a scarf revealed at the top.

They were looking at me as if they knew me. Well, this one guy in particular as I was leaving the store. And I thought maybe he’s one of my matches on eHarmony!

Here's the deal: I took the personality test and can review my matches, but I’ve been too cheap to join, so I cannot communicate (I can’t respond when they email me), and I cannot see their pictures. But they can see mine. I have a few photos on there. I figure there’s no point in trying to hide who I am. So, it is possible that that was the case. Who knows? It’s pretty unlikely that he’ll see me again at Meijer. I rarely get groceries there. But last night I just didn’t feel like driving all the way to Super Target for my handful of needed groceries. Plus, two items on my list I can only get at Meijer. Here’s my random groceries from last night:

  • Meijer brand diet grape soda (a staple)
  • Meijer brand apple cider (this stuff is AWESOME!)
  • Cinnamon raisen English muffins (on sale)
  • Cinnamon swirl bread (also on sale; I'm on a cinnamon kick. Can you tell? I figure I'll make yummy french toast with it, mmmm!)
  • Milk (but not just any milk. I'm experimenting with soy milk. I chose light vanilla soy. You can see it referenced in my previous blog. It's kinda scary so far,)

And that's it. Bread and beverages. What more do I need? ;)

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  1. We "Jens" are alike!!! I've been having the Cinnabon bread every morning with bacon and vanilla soymilk! =-) You go girl!

  2. I think it's awesome that you're trying soy milk, although I think that rice milk actually has less of an after taste, and looks white! I've used both, and I prefer rice, although, it's not like I'm drinking glasses of it, but it's great for cereal and what not! Okay, well you let me know what you think! Enjoy all the fun stuff!


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