
The Next Chapter

November 15, 2011

home sweet home
after 12 days in the hospital i am home.

home and with our daughter catherine addison
she makes our hearts melt. we love her so much.

funny ow quickly things change. like our vocabulary.
i used the term "eat-ums" this morning.

and how now we are constantly referring to eachother as mommy and daddy.

daddy just left to pick up a couple things. like breakfast.

i'm typing with my left hand as my right arm is holding baby girl.
this is my first time at the computer (whoops, hit the space bar in my sleep therr) since friday morning before surgery. it just hasn 't been much of asss priority. (i currently have 72 facebook notifications waiting for me)

recovery has been rough to say the least. i think i'll spare you the details for now. i'll sum it up with nausa, vomitting, dizzy, groggy, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, pain. oh the pain...

my mantra that i repeat dozens of times throughout the day is:
"every day will get a litttle bit easier. every day will get a litle bit better."
sometimes i say it with cnfidence. sometimes as a prayer. sometimes while weeping.
but "every day a little bit easier. every day a little bit better."

when it's extra hard, i look at her aand know it's worth it.
we find ourselves mesmorized by her expressions, her stretches, her squirms, her beauty, her smiles, her skin, her full pouty lips, her furrowed brow...
i especially get a kick out of seeing her squirms and realizing she made those same movements in me.

i thought about going back and cleaning up all my typos in thi post but figure it is a better representation of our reality to leave it as is.

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  1. Yay! New life is amazing, isn't it?! I am sorry that recovery has been so rough for you, but you WILL get better! Enjoy all those precious moments with your little one. It is amazing how fast they grow up!!! :-)

  2. Funny how priorities change when you have a baby. And how much your life changes -- forever. And that isn't a bad thing, either.

    I know my life changed when your brother and you were born. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

    And now my life and priorities change again. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

    I like the name "Grandma."

  3. Oh yes, it's a hard journey back. Take it very slow and easy on yourself. Listen to your body and just do very little in terms of picking up things. But you're so right - it's so worth it. Revel in her. Let her be your balm. It only gets better! So much love to you both!


  4. Awwwe. I love this post... so real, so true. Some days/hours/minutes can be hard, but then you look at your little one and it's all worth it. And you also look back on this time and realize that it really DOES fly by. Soak it all in while you can!

  5. Congratulations my dear! I'm so very, very happy for you and Josh! I will be praying for you during my commutes as you heal and adjust to this beautiful new chapter of your life. I'm anxious to read all of your posts that are centered around Catherine and everything she brings to your lives. I love your mantra, I think I'll adopt it as well. God bless!


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