Saving Money - Day 2

September 16, 2009

Ok, one day of not spending is a lot easier than two.

I was tempted numerous times today, but did not give in.

Don't be thinking I'm going all cold turkey and not buying anything for a year like I know others have done. I won't deprive myself THAT much; I'd go insane.

I know I am going to the Nappanee Apple Festival this weekend and definitely buying a slice of their famous 7' apple pie!!! So I guess I have that to look forward to. I just need to make it til then!

I did some sorting of paperwork at home yesterday, and I'll just say it pays to get organized! I found 2 checks, woot woot! Right into savings it went!

For the last few years I've had this weird thing about needing at least 2 reasons to go somewhere or do something. So, if I go out to get groceries, I will stop for Starbucks as well, or if I go visit Jen & Andy I will also pick up dinner. Tonight I went to Jen & Andy's and drove straight there and straight back. I went against my nature. Hopefully the choices I continue to make now to save, rather than spend, money will eventually become easier and more natural.

Baby steps. Day Two down.

Thought you might enjoy some pics of the 7' apple pie. These were taken a year ago.

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