What More Do I Need?

February 20, 2009

Early this morning as I was coming back from the gym (with happy weigh-in results of dropping 3.8 pounds, but that’s beside the point), I was listening to some song on Christian radio. It’s really easy for me to not pay attention to words of songs. In fact, if I want to really focus on what a song is saying, I’ll usually google the lyrics. So, I was trying to catch the lyrics of whatever was on. Hard to do, but I heard something about The Savior. So, I came up with my own words:

I have a Savior. What more do I need?

That’s it. That sums it all up. And I’m going to remind myself of this when crap happens. Which it inevitably will - and did about an hour after the above incident.

I have many friends going through challenging circumstances. Everybody’s going through something. Some more challenging than others. I pray they know The Savior and can take comfort in Him.

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