Final Thoughts of My 20's

February 25, 2009

My 20's are ending. Soon. Technically 3 1/2 hours til I exactly turn 30. 3 hours if you consider midnight the change. May be sooner if I continue to feel so sleepy and just call it a day (or a decade) soon here.

I wish I was doing something more exciting rather than sitting on my couch blogging on my laptop.

I have given serious thought to a tattoo and will continue to think about it. But it isn't something I want to rush into. Since, after all, it is permanent.

Something happened tonight that has just taken my heart and shaken it up. It's all lopsided and off-center and screwy right now. And I don't like it. I want to forget it ever happened. My heart feels confused, and I don't want to end my 20's this way. I wish I could just snap out of it, but I'm struggling.

I'm feeling exhausted. I've been incredibly stressed and emotionally exhausted this week. So much to do. So much going on.

I just wish I wasn't alone tonight.

The good news is that my scheduled jury duty for tomorrow has been canceled! Hooray!!! Can you imagine having to serve jury duty on your birthday?! So wrong!

OK! I've made up my mind! I'm going to pop in The Sound of Music - the movie that brought me into the world 30 years ago! How perfect. We'll see if I can stay awake for it all!

Goodbye, 20's. Hello, 30. Yikes!

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  1. (((HUGS))) You aren't alone! But I know what you mean. Your 30's will be your best years yet! Turnin 30 was hard for me. Now that I'm 35 I'm like, why was it so hard? Hoping tomorrow is a great start to your 30's! Love ya!

  2. I'm kinda curious about how "SoM" brought you into the world, but I feel that it might be TMI.

  3. Mrs Proffitt!! What ever are you thinking??
    Jennifer will need to explain it to you, though I could probably tell you more precisely.
    See you at the party Saturday. Maybe you can get the story then.

  4. I think a tattoo would be marvelous! Maybe next time we all get together we can get one/them! : )

    I'm sorry your heart is all a-twitter and jumbled around. I know exactly what you mean! I hope it turns the other way soon!

    Love you chica! : )


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