First Snow

October 28, 2008

SNOW in October?!? This is just wrong!!! I KNOW for a fact that the last 2 years we've also had snow in April! I don't know if I can handle 6 months of winter! Ick!!!

This was on the south side last night. Driving home in it was like driving in a blizzard. But once I got to downtown there was hardly any snow here. Crazy!

Nobody was prepared for this because WHY SHOULD WE BE?!? in October!!! I didn't have my snow brush, so instead a broom was used, ha ha!

I am NOT a fan of winter (in case you couldn't tell by the photo above). Seriously all of the next 6 months of posts could easily be me complaining about the cold. But I'm trying to actively find the positive rather than settling for the negative. So, we'll see... It will be hard, but I'll try my best.

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  1. Yuck...snow in October is no fun, and I'm not a fan of the cold either. A positive thought on snow though....Trees covered in snow are absolutely beautiful! So while you're cold, you can at least enjoy God's beautiful creation. :) And if one of those icky snowflakes lands on your glove, check out how intricate and delicate the pattern is. :) These are two of my favorite things about snow.

  2. I totally hear ya GF! :) We'll just need to encourage one another to keep on keeping on! There's always Starbucks! :)


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