
March 18, 2015

Whoa, I did not think picking a preschool would be so hard!!!

I am freaking out about it.

Just some of the thoughts swirling through my head today as I whittled it down to six choices:

This will be Catherine's first formal education experience.  How will she do in a classroom?  Will she behave?  Will she be nice?  Will she make friends?  Will I make friends with other parents?

How does preschool drop off and pickup fit into my schedule?  What do I do while she's at preschool?  Why aren't there any Monday & Wednesday options?  How is a Tuesday & Thursday option going to affect my weekly moms group?

It's going to be so weird to go to Moms Group alone.

That wasn't part of the plan.

I wasn't supposed to have the freedom of two free hours every Tuesday morning to sit at a coffee house and write or do whatever I want.

I'm not ready to let go of her.

Not yet.

But I know she's ready.

I have to do it for her.

I'm putting her needs before mine.

Isn't that the definition of motherhood?

Would it be any easier to send her off if I had another at home?

I just don't know.

I just won't know.

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