It's a Girl!

July 27, 2011

Our moms joined us for the big ultrasound, and I think we were all surprised to hear that we are having a girl! We had boy names picked out but no girl names, so we've got some work to do in the next few months.

Here we all are in the waiting room before the ultrasound:

I had to have full bladder for the ultrasound; it was so uncomfortable!

After our appointment we went to deliver the news in person to my dad and sister-in-law and then Josh's dad, 3 brothers, and nephew. Later that day Josh & I were at the store and looked for the first time at baby girl clothes:

We are super excited!!

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  1. Congratulations!!! I am sure you will have no problem picking out a girl name... although Claire was about 12 hours old before she had a name :-)

    I am sure you will get lots of cute clothes, too! Those shirts are adorable! (looks like you are at Meijer! :-))

  2. Yes, surprised and ecstatic!
    Thanks for inviting us 'g-moms' to accompany you and Josh on this exciting day. <3


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