Around the Bend


November 23, 2011
A growing baby who is gradually getting back up to her birth weight (her two week old goal), who lost her umbilical cord stump today, and who, according to her doctor, has the strength of a two MONTH old!An amazing husband - he gets up with little one in the night, he changes diapers, he picks her outfits, he makes me breakfast, he...



The Next Chapter

November 15, 2011
home sweet homeafter 12 days in the hospital i am home.home and with our daughter catherine addisonshe makes our hearts melt. we love her so much.funny ow quickly things change. like our vocabulary.i used the term "eat-ums" this morning.and how now we are constantly referring to eachother as mommy and daddy.daddy just left to pick up a couple things. like breakfast.i'm typing with...




November 10, 2011
Currently looking forward to (in no particular order):Meeting our daughterLeaving the walls of the hospitalSeeing our neighborhoodBeing homeSleeping in my own bed (as little sleep as I will get)Using my own bathroomSharing a bed with my husband againSurgery being OVERBeing able to put socks on myself again at some pointGoing to churchWandering at Target ...



39 weeks!

November 09, 2011
According to the doctors' timeline we've made it to 39 weeks!The official plan (as much as you can plan these things) is to meet our little (or not so little) girl this Friday via c-section. It is scheduled for 11:45, but that can vary a bit either way depending on other surgeries.Yep, 11-11-11 is our daughter's potential date of birth.Funny, I vividly remember...




November 05, 2011
There is not much new to report. We have been told it really is a scenario of one day at a time. We are still in the hospital. That will not change until we take our baby girl home.Today is Day 4 of our stay. According to our doctors' timeline (which is what we are going by now, as opposed to our timeline...



In the Hospital

November 02, 2011
The words of Jennifer (as scribed by Josh):My BP was not surprisingly high (AGAIN) at this morning's appointment. As I suspected, they sent me back to St. Joe (AGAIN); however, this time they sent me to an actual room in labor and delivery. They said outpatient bed rest isn't working for me so they want to monitor me here for AT LEAST 24...


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