Allergies & Rubella

May 04, 2010

Do I have allergies?

I don't know. I've never been diagnosed. Never been tested.

I just know I am feeling miserable! It was annoying the past few days. But suddenly Monday night it jumped from annoying to miserable.

I've got a runny nose, watery eyes (or runny eyes as I told my co-worker), sore throat, headache, and feeling like my head is heavy yet surrounded by clouds - or cotton.

Anybody care to diagnose me?

In other medical news, apparently I need to prove to the state of Indiana that I've had a rubella shot before they will allow me to get married. Um, lame...

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  1. I know a lot of people (myself included!) who are experiencing allergy symptoms for the first time this spring. My doctor recommended Claritin, but my symptoms cleared up, so I never tried it. Someone else said her doctor recommended Benadryl. It's worth a shot, anyway!

  2. I thought i had allergies but it turned out to be a whopper of a cold. Surprisingly my allergies haven't been as bad as normal.
    you have to prove you've had a rubella shot? i'm sure that comes from some 1875 plague that killed all the newlyweds.


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