
Sunday Six

May 21, 2017

1. I can't believe tomorrow is Catherine's last day of Pre-K.  I'm not ready for that reality.  Tonight we were writing thank you notes to her teachers.

I let her decide what she wants me to write on her behalf, but I ask questions to help guide her.  The best part was when I asked her, "What's something nice you can say about her?" and she responded, "That she likes me."  Ha!  Self confidence may be one of her strengths.

2. Another reality I'm not ready for:  we're moving!  Ack, it's blog official! We've only packed one box.  Somebody, help me!!  Any tips for packing for a move?!?

3.  Netflix has Party of Five.  Hello, 90's!  Bailey's rugby shirts, Claudia's baggy denim overalls, Julia's floral dresses, and Charlie's plaid shirts.  Ahhh, the season of grunge.  Oh, and the vests.  All the vests.

4.  I got a job.  Part-time nannying.  Little guy comes to our house, so that makes it manageable to still keep doing our normal-ish routine.

5.  I've been craving fruit salad for awhile.  I had some at my weekly moms' group, and I had some at a friend's brunch.  And it just made me want more.  This evening Josh went to the store and loaded up on a variety of fruit and made a big bowl of fruit salad just for me.

Of course then Catherine wanted some.  Then he was gracious enough to make me a grilled pbj, which Catherine also wanted some of.  She normally refuses to eat jelly, but she said she liked it and wanted a pbj in her lunch for her last day of school.  We'll see how that goes.

6.  It's no secret that I haven't been writing much here lately.  One of the reasons why is that I've felt my writing material wasn't "blog worthy."  For now I'm deciding to not care about that.  I'm getting past being concerned about my audience and what they want to read about.  I'm writing for myself right now.

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