
30 Days of Gratitude

November 30, 2012
27.  christmas music 28.  cinnamon rolls & mocha flavored coffee 29.  little girl napping 30.  mom here to keep me company Ahhhh...  I think my 30 days of gratitude is suddenly complete. ...


November 28th Gratitude

November 29, 2012
18.  I am grateful for a beautiful sunrise today! 19.  I am grateful for my husband making me waffles for dinner! 20.  I am grateful I could rearrange our living room in ten minutes. 21.  I am grateful for a bowl of honey nut cheerios, mmmm! 22.  I am grateful for Christmas lights. 23.  I am grateful for a warm bed to crawl...



Grateful 8 - 17

November 26, 2012
8.  I am grateful to finally have a dishwasher! 9.  Even more so, I am grateful for a dishwasher that works so well!  Many times I see dishes in it that obviously were not rinsed an inch, and I think, "Oh, no way that's gonna get clean!"  And a couple days later after the load has been washed and I'm putting dishes away,...



No Such Thing As Too Grateful

November 14, 2012
6.  i am thankful for nap time. 7.  i am thankful my daughter cracks me up. ...



Grateful Number Five

November 13, 2012
5.  I'm so grateful that God knows better than I do. I was driving home from Aldi this evening when a song came on the radio that took me back to a time long ago and to a former crush.  Man, seriously, God protected me from so many lousy relationships.  I look at how this former crush has turned out, and I think...



More Gratitude

November 12, 2012
3.  I am thankful for Target's policy that allows me to get the sale price of an item after I bought it at regular price a couple weeks prior. 4.  I am thankful for a husband who does so much for our family - tending to Catherine when she occasionally cries in the middle of the night or frequently cries in the early...


Gratitude Day 2

November 02, 2012
i write this on a friday night not from my own home, but from the home of my in-laws. i am thankful for my in-laws.  they raised a great son in my husband, and they are great grandparents to our little girl! we are so blessed to have them nearby.  tonight josh is with his dad at a mens retreat.  catherine & i...



Gratitude Day 1

November 01, 2012
so do you think i could actually post a little blog of something to be thankful for every day in november?  or at least until thanksgiving? hmmm, we'll see.  maybe it will last a day.  ha. i am grateful for my new job.  as trying as it may be - and believe me, it is - i am truly grateful that i can...


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