This post was written last week and sat waiting for me to add photos.
I want to be in a Book Club, but it's pretty rare that I actually finish books. When I am reading and actually do complete a book, I am quite proud of my accomplishment.
Maybe I should be in a Movie Club instead. Well, actually I don't watch movies frequently either.
Hmm, maybe I just want to be in a club.
I like people, and I like talking with people.
Let me be your friend.
Anybody else remember that sketch on Saturday Night Live with Adam Sandler and Chris Farley? "Let me water your plants." "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET THE BOY WATER YOUR PLANTS!"
Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers that!?
It's November 19th, and I'm still wearing sandals. I figure until we get snow on the ground, I'll keep showing my toes. Especially since they look pretty.
November 19th sounds familiar. I think it was maybe our due date for Catherine. I feel like most people would remember important dates like that. I'm not so good with dates or numbers or remembering things.
Somebody bought my drink today at a local coffee house.
For a mom of a toddler |
Enjoy these years; your time is a gift. |
This local coffee house has a bulletin board by the cash register with random drinks posted for particular people. For example, "Drink for a cancer survivor." or "Drink for a firefighter" or "Drink for a police officer." It was a nice little treat to find one I could use.
Today is a momentous day for me. It's the first day since Friday that I'm going about my day without physical assistance.
Friday evening I injured my back. Just scooting back in my seat in my vehicle, I felt sudden pain. Within a couple hours I couldn't stand up straight. Saturday morning I couldn't walk. No, literally, COULD.NOT.WALK. I got to a point where I said to Josh while laying in bed mid-morning, "I don't know how I'm going to pee!!" I crawled to the bathroom.
Since then I've fluctuated between really bad, bad, and ok. Josh helped me over the weekend, and my parents have been helping since he's been back at work. I'm definitely doing better today, and I feel good mentally and emotionally about where things are and that I'm getting help and getting better.
I've had back pain off and on over the years, but it was never this bad. It was scary. My back was fine if I was laying down, but you can't live life laying down.
In addition, Catherine was sick this week. She's had serious past breathing problems, so I'm always extra cautious when it comes to her health.
Getting the two of us better has been my priority this week, and work has been almost non-existent. But now that I'm doing better, I can turn my attention back to that.
Oh, and I'm happy to report that our washing machine was able to be fixed! That was a long month without one!!