This man.
Hard worker.
Dedicated teacher.
Life changer.
Hope giver.
He directed two middle school musicals this past weekend. This photo was taken between the two.
This is his 8th musical in the last 9 years (wisely, he took a season off the year Catherine joined our family).
It was a long season of seemingly endless and increasingly long rehearsals. It was hard to get through it. Hard for all of us.
When the finish line was in sight I asked him, "Could you at least take a day off work after this is all over?" But do you know what my husband is doing with his "day off" this week? And his "free" periods over many days. And his before school time...
He's voluntarily going to all the music classes for all the 5th grades of all the elementary schools in town. He's basically giving his best sales pitch on why middle school choir rocks in the hopes of recruiting for next year.
He's using his free time and vacation time to do more work. Going above and beyond. Reaching well past minimum requirements. Giving extra effort and superior excellence.
My husband.
Sure, he drives me crazy. Trust me, not every day is peachy. Marriage is HARD.
But I snagged a good one. And I'm not letting go.